Evaluating the Influence of Biographical Factors on the Perception of Rewards among Bank Employees in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

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Abstract for Research Paper Human Resources Management and Marketing



There are many factors that influence employee behaviour at work. Organizations in the current world, realize that differences in biographical factors are critical in deciding various matters regarding total rewards management. Satisfaction of employees on rewards is to some extent determined by the perception based on the various biographical aspects. It has been known that individuals value their rewards depending on factors such as age, gender and their job categorization aiming for fairness and to meet their specific needs. Employees’ negative perception will be reflected in dissatisfaction exhibited by negative behaviours and lack enthusiasm towards work while positive perceptions equivalently results satisfaction thus productivity, efficiency and creativity. Data was collected from 108 employee selected through stratified random sampling and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. This study established that biographical factors (age, gender and job categorization) significantly affect individuals’ level of satisfaction either positively or negatively and recommends that organizations should identify the kind of rewards that are more appreciated by employees in different biographical categories in order to optimally increase job satisfaction.

Primary author

Prof. K. Chepkilot Ronald (Kabarak University)

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