Effects of Microfinance interventions by Microfinance Institutions on women empowerment:A case of Nakuru CBD,West Sub County, Kenya.

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Abstract for Research Paper Accounting and Finance


Microfinance has built a lot of attention as a way to eradicate poverty and empowering women, this has been supported by its involvement as a market based approach of risk mitigation in the World bank frame of social protection. In Kenya , microfinance institutions have been on the rise and its interventions having been portrayed as a way to reach the poor in the development process and as a new innovative strategy for alleviating poverty. Most related studies have dealt much on microcredit as a sole MFI intervention with some positing that MFIs interventions have positive effect, others positing on negative effects while some positing on the moderate effects of MFIs on women empowerment. This study sought to establish the effects of microfinance interventions by microfinance institutions on women empowerment in Nakuru CBD West Sub-County, Kenya. It was selected as the area of study due to many women enterprises that can be found within the area thus forming a fertile ground for such a study. A descriptive research design was used for this study. A sample of 127 respondents were selected from a population of 293 using simple random technique. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS and the findings presented in statistical tables, graphs and charts. The study adopted the use of a semi structured questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument that was constructed on a five point Likert scale. Results show that except for micro insurance, other MFI interventions such as micro credit , micro savings and training significantly and positively affect women empowerment. The study concludes that for efficient realization of positive effects ,then micro finance interventions by MFIs have to be readily accessed. The study,therefore, recommends the government should establish policies that will encourage outreach of microfinance interventions by MFIs to the rural population.

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