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Abstract for Research Paper Emerging and Cross Cutting Issues in Business and Economics


Public participation in many organizations has been widely backed by both theorists and specialists of organizations. The county assemblies in Kenya are indebted by law to liberate very essential mandate within the county governments’ set-up. The County Assemblies have attempted to invoke several strategies so as to successfully carry out their mandate of legislation, representation and oversight role in order to register positive performance. Citizen participation is essential in contributing to better performance in any organization. This study was focusing on the nexus between citizen participation and performance of County assemblies in Kenya. A descriptive census survey was conducted. Target population for the study was 138 respondents from all the County assemblies in Kenya. The researcher targeted the County Assemblies Speakers, Clerks and Deputy Clerks. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 24 was applied for the study. Correlation analysis was used to assess the strength and direction of the relationship between citizen participation and performance and the t-test was used to test the significance of individual correlation coefficients. There was no significant relationship between citizen participation and performance of county assemblies (r = 0.127, p = 0.211 > 0.05). Multiple regression model was used to analyze the effect of citizen participation on performance. Analyzed data was presented in frequency tables, charts and graphs. The finding of this study will be vital to the members of the county assemblies, members of parliament in making informed decisions as they are the policy makers. The study will also be useful for scholars who intend to carry further studies.
Key words: Citizen Participation, performance, County assemblies,

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