The effect of advertising through offline media channels on consumer’s attitude of selected commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya

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Abstract for Research Paper Human Resources Management and Marketing


This study was to investigate the effect of advertising through offline channels (TV, Radio and Newspaper) used by selected banks in Nairobi on consumer’s attitude. Stratified sampling was used to select commercial banks (Kenya Commercial Bank, Equity Bank and Co-operative Bank). A sample size of 384 was used. The data was then collected using a questionnaire, with questions comprising likert scale type to measure consumers’ attitude. The data was then analysed using SPSS software to determine descriptive and inferential statistics. According to the odder preference ranking; TV (n=124; Index=70.97%) was the most preferred followed by Radio (n=24; Index=70.83%); however, the least preferred was Newspaper (n=82; Index =53.25%). In addition, advertising through TV had high mean score for consumer awareness (mean=3.70; CV=28.10%), liking (mean=3.62; CV=28.15%) and action (mean=3.553; CV=29.55%). Correlation analysis indicated that there was strong, positive and statistically significant relationship between use of TV and consumer awareness (r=0.799, p-value= 0.000), liking (r=0.898, p-value =.000) and consumer action tendency (r=0.718, p-value =.000). Regression analysis revealed a statistically significant influence of advertising through TV on consumer’s attitude with a statistical variation of 95.7 % in consumer’s attitude (R2=.95.7) compared to Radio 80.5 % (R2=.805) and Newspaper 53.3% (R2=.532). This study demonstrated that advertising through TV significantly impact consumer’s attitude thus use of TV to advertise on can bring results to banks compared to the other two channels of Radio and Newspaper. Policy formulators and scholars would use these findings as a reference material to understand their marketing objectives prior choosing the media channel for their advertisements. It will also be useful to marketers as they make decisions regarding allocation of resources in their respective companies that advertising through various media channels would have a different impact on indicators of consumer’s attitude (awareness, liking and action).

Key words: Advertising, Consumers’ Attitude, Offline Media

Primary authors

Ms Nancy Kipchillat (Kabarak University) Prof. Ronald Chepkilot (Kabarak University) Dr Hillary Busolo (Alupe University College)

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