The Implications of the Koininia Concept on Poverty Eradication in a Globalized World
In such an interconnected world, one would expect the world to be a better place in terms of how people care for the needs of fellow human beings. However, this is not the present case, especially when you focus on world’s economic dispcrepancies. Statistics show that the gap between the rich and the poor keep on widening with time. Only few nations are enjoying the benefits of globalization whereas others such as Africa are wallowing in poverty. Structures to combat this by international institutions (World Bank, IMF, WTO) have not availed much for they neglect the spiritual aspects of poverty and emphasize on the economic, political, anthropological, and cultural aspects. The study looks at the theological concept of koinonia as a biblical resource that can provide insights into how the globe can move toward a more understanding and caring community. The Early Church, that was a multiethnic community, demonstrate that it is possible to live together as a community. Using the social scientific method, this study will examine the concept of koinonia in the Early Church and how it functioned to address socio-economic needs within the church community. The study will analyze the paradox of poverty in a globalized world, explore the theological foundations of koinonia then draw implications of the koinonia concept on poverty eradication in Africa.
Keywords: Koinonia, Poverty, Globalization, Community