Relationship between Provision of teaching Resources and Performance of Instructional Roles in Secondary Schools in Nandi East Sub-County, Kenya

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Abstract for Research Paper Current Issues in Education Management and Planning


The study sought to address the problem of poor performance of teachers’ instructional roles as reflected in national KCSE exams. The study objective was to establish Relationship between Provision of evaluation Resources and teachers’ performance of instructional roles in secondary schools in Nandi East Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted correlational research design. Data collection tool was teachers’ questionnaire. Reliability of the instrument was tested using test re-test method. It was validated by experts. The target population was secondary school teachers while the accessible population was the 192 teachers teaching in the 30 secondary schools in Nandi East Sub-County. The study used proportionate sampling to categorize respondents into female and male teachers; Boarding and day schools. Proportionate sampling was used to apportion respondents from various schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample the actual respondents. The Sample size was 127 teachers in the 30 sampled schools determined by using Krejcie and Morgan table of Sample size determination. The study established that there was a positive and significant relationship between provision of evaluation resources and teachers’ performance of instructional roles in secondary schools in Nandi East Sub-County. It was further established that teachers were ineffective in setting, marking, and invigilation of examination and assessments, examination analysis, use of examination analysis software and in giving evaluation feedback to parents in in Nandi East Sub-County. This study recommends that Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya, Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KSSHA) and Ministry of Education; urgently implement Teacher Professional Development programs. This will be to address Teachers ineffectiveness in setting, marking, and invigilation of examination and assessments in Nandi East Sub-County

Primary author

Mr Kipruto Pius Kosgei (kabarak university)


Prof. Henry K. Kiplangat Prof. Fredrick Ngala (Kabarak University)

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