The Big Four Agenda:An analysis of the media coverage on government projects in Kenya, between 2017-2022

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Abstract for Research Paper Media and the Government’s Big Four Agenda’ Between 2017 and 2022.


Kenya,like all other developing countries in the world,is faced with the task of working strategically towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.The country's greatest strategic focus is on the Big Four Agenda, which is the government's set of priority programs and reforms ,for the year 2018-2022. The Big Four Agenda include;Food Security, Affordable Housing, Manufacturing and Affordable Health Care for all. Delivery of the Big Four Agenda requires the input of key stakeholders from different sectors including the media. The Media coverage of the Big Four Agenda is important as it holds the government accountable to its agenda and projects,and in turn,promotes good governance.
The government needs to be held responsible not only for the launch of these flagship projects and reforms but also accountable and transparent in its progress. This is by relaying information through the media on the opportunities available for Kenyans to support and invest in these projects with the aim of creating employment and reducing poverty levels.The media therefore influences both the public and policy makers and shapers, through collective engagement in keeping everyone infirmed and providing a platform for dialogue.
In 2018, however,Infotrak Research revealed that only 47 percent of Kenyans were aware of the Big Four Agenda (Infotrak 2018). The paper therefore aims at analysing the media coverage of the Big Four Agenda projects,by examining the frequency of the news coverage coverage,the framing of the news stories and areas of coverage on the Big Four Agenda projects.

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