Sing a New Song: Theological Reflections on Music Composition

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Research Paper Music and Indigenous Cultures


ABSTRACT: Music composition is a practice that has been integrated within different musical activities. The practice is situated in the Bible and also reflected in the contemporary society. This study discusses music composition as an art that involves creativity in making music. Additionally, it discusses composition as a form of expression for the creator. The study sought to examine how music composition has been discussed in the Bible and how that is reflected in the contemporary society. Additionally, it aimed at discovering diverse ways that the Bible has been used as a resource for creating music in the contemporary society. The general question that guided the study was: How has music composition been conceptualized in the Bible and in the contemporary society? The study was sought to answer the following questions: What inspired composers in the Bible to create music? What are the compositional techniques/styles used in the Bible? How has the Bible been used as a resource to compose music in the contemporary society? How is the concept of music composition in the Bible similar to that of the contemporary society? The study will provide information on how music practitioners can integrate the Bible and their music-making practice. Additionally, the information provided by the study will enable the practitioners to discover different approaches they can use while composing. The study will therefore contribute knowledge in the music industry as well as religious studies especially theological and Biblical studies in various academic fields. Secondary data was used to provide information for the study. Additionally, Bible scriptures were analyzed in order to have a comprehensive understanding on the Bible’s conceptualization of music composition practice.

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