Musicology through Biblical lenses: As many perspectives as there are Christianity(s)

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Research Paper Music and other Arts and Media


ABSTRACT: The Bible is a seminal canon on which entire cultures, institutions, systems of thought and disciplines are based upon. Since musicology entails a study of why and how human beings are musical, this discipline (musicology) is inclined to look into biblical interpretations and perspectives that guide human musicking. This study seeks to highlight the confluence of the Bible and Musicology and discuss ways in which different perspectives of the Bible have guided human musicking in specified contexts. This study was guided by the following general question: How have the multiple biblical perspectives interacted with the discipline of musicology? The study sought to answer the following questions: What factors that led to the many Biblical interpretations? How has the Bible been used as a source of data for empirical studies linked to musicology? How has the Bible impacted the way people think, theorize and therefore perform music? How is the bible applied in the study of new and emerging issues in musicology that pertain gender, environment, crisis and justice? Information from this study is going to inspire a dialectical approach to musicology related studies that are linked to theology and Biblical studies. The study will highlight how musicological information can be applied positively to societies and more specifically in congregational contexts to enrich the music related aspects of the liturgy. In addition to this, the study is going to provide information on ways in which musicology and biblical perspectives interact to provide solutions to current and emerging issues. Data from this study was sourced from existing academic journals, varied liturgical guidelines, and musicological reports. The Bible was used as a key reference in this study to as it provided contexts for the many perspectives.

Primary author



Mellitus Wanyama (Kabarak University)

Presentation Materials