Mission and Tugen Culture of Modernity: A Critical Theological Study in biblical Christianity

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Abstract for Research Paper Theology in a Modern African Context


Rational defense and justification of the Christian faith need to be applied in Tugen culture of modernity to generate intelligent thoughtful Christianity. Doing this will help substantiate the false understanding of the Christian faith as blind faith, To achieve this will require a philosophical conceptual framework be employed to the adherents of modern Tugen worldview. The approach of this research is based on 1pt 3:15b which presupposes that we should clarify terms that we use in presenting an effective Gospel of Christ which should be applied to the Tugen culture of modernity since historical Christianity is bound with the hope of Christian worldview. The philosophical thought of Socrates ,Plato and Aristotle of dialectic method of instruction and persuasion is utilized to bring more clarity to the Gospel regarding to its meaning and interpretation, but affirm that the Gospel of Christ remains a direct unique revelation God that needs no negotiation. Biblical Christianity affirms that appropriate Christian peaching is dialogical in engaging our mental dimension in addressing the Tugen culture of modernity. The book of Job uses such approach of questioning God while Jesus asked questions and Paul used argumentative approach to the people of Athens (Job 38:; 40:7 ;Luke 2:48; Act 17:1-4), The research seeks to tackle the philosophy of humanism that permeates the Tugen culture of modernity in Mogotio Sub-County. This study uses relevant imageries that appeals to Tugen Culture of Modernity. The empirical scientific approach is inadequate in dealing with the spiritual dimension addressed in the study. The aim of this research is to make Christ relevant in the lives of modern Tugen culture. Popularizing and propagating rationalism in dealing with the Tugen culture of modernity will lead to syncretism that questions the uniqueness and the absolute claim of Christianity.

Key words:
Syncretism, Culture, humanism,worldview, Christianity, Modernity, Rationalism

Primary author

Dr Japheth Kigen (Kabarak University)

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