A Critical Analysis of the Influence of Communication Skills Instruction on Soft Skills Competencies for Students in Kenyan Universities

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Abstract for Research Paper Contemporary Education Reforms


Mary Nguvi Muindi
School of Education Arts,
Kabarak University,
E-mail: mmuindi@kabarak.ac.ke
Dr. Ruth Thinguri
School of Education,
Mount Kenya University,
E-mail: nthinguri@yahoo.com

Soft skills have been identified as one of the 21st-century skills that are important in the global workforce for students. Universities in Kenya offer communication skills as a common course to all first-year students to enhance their soft skills competencies. However, employers have raised concerns that the newly highered graduates are unable to use soft skills to handle various employment tasks effectively. The communication skills course does not seem to be translating to the soft skills competencies. The purpose of the study will be to conduct a critical analysis on the influence of communication skills instruction on soft skills competencies in students at the universities in Kenya. The research will be guided by four objectives: to conduct a critical analysis of listening skills instruction on soft skills competencies, to critically examine speaking skills instruction on soft skills competencies, to critically determine reading skills instruction on soft skills competencies, and to critically establish speaking skills instruction on soft skills competencies. The research will be supported by Speber and Wilson (1995) relevance theory of communication. The qualitative research methodology will be employed in the study. Data will be analyzed using content analysis. The findings of this research may provide empirical evidence to support the review of the communication skills course at the university and the inclusion of it in the Competency-Based Curriculum in Kenyan universities.

Keywords: Communication Skills Instruction, Soft Skills Competencies, Critical Analysis and Influence

Primary authors

Ms Mary Muindi (Kabarak University) Dr Ruth Thinguri (Mount Kenya University)

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