23 October 2018
KLAW - Conference Center
Africa/Nairobi timezone

Tutors’ attitudes towards integration of adaptive technology devices for Visually Impaired student teachers in Primary Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya.

Not scheduled
KLAW/Ground-1 - KLAW 5 - Auditorium (KLAW - Conference Center)

KLAW/Ground-1 - KLAW 5 - Auditorium

KLAW - Conference Center

Kabarak University Main Campus Nakuru Eldama Ravine Road
Research Paper Application of Emerging Innovations and Technologies in Education Application of Emerging Innovations and Technologies in Education:


Adaptive technology devices improve the quality of education and remove learning barriers for the Visually Impaired learners. This paper is a report of a study that assessed the tutors’ attitudes towards integration of adaptive technology devices for Visually Impaired (VI) student teachers in the instructional process in primary Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) in Kenya. The research question that guided this study was: What are the attitudes of tutors towards integration of adaptive technology devices for Visually Impaired student teachers in the instructional process in the primary TTCs? The study was based on the diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers which gives a basis for adoption of innovations in institutions and other settings. The study adopted a Mixed Methods research approach and a descriptive survey research design. The study population included administrators, tutors and Visually Impaired student teachers in three primary TTCs that admit student teachers with visual impairments in Kenya. Simple random sampling was used to select 93 tutors. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were used to analyse the quantitative data. Qualitative data was analysed through a discussion of emerging themes. The findings of this study revealed among other things that, tutor training on integration of adaptive technology was lacking, and the tutors viewed integration of adaptive technology as valuable but lacking. The paper recommended for provision of adequate adaptive technology devices for VI student teachers by the government, parents, communities and donors. Tutors should be sensitized and trained on the use of adaptive technology devices. The study sheds light on the challenges influencing the integration of adaptive technology in instruction for VI students.

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