TITLE: Agri-Environmental Communication Interaction: Strategic Link to Kenyan Food and Nutrition Security Solution.

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Abstract for Research Paper Environmental Management Considerations for the Big Four Agenda.


TITLE: Agri-Environmental Communication Interaction: Strategic Link to Kenyan Food and Nutrition Security Solution.
Dr. Michura Eliud Garry
Developing countries face food insecurity and malnutrition on daily basis. Women and children are the main culprits and face death and hunger. Kenya faces the worst scenario over food deficits and malnutrition and struggling to meet its food requirements. Most of the food staff in our stores is imported from other countries. Several reasons explain food deficit in Kenya and some propose lack of understanding between agricultural environmental knowledge communication interaction and environmental knowledge in agricultural practices. Farmers and stakeholders need to understand communication of the environmental conditions, its dynamics and interactive effect on food production. This essential agri-environmental communication technique between farmers and environmental dynamics is a missing link resulting to poor agricultural output. This paper seeks to address the claim that, agri-environmental communication interaction can be key to enhancing food production and nutrition as well as improving human health. Key objectives; To find out the causes of low food production due lack of agri-environmental communication interaction; To assess the effect of food insecurity and malnutrition on human health due to agri-environmental communication interactions and to make recommendations towards enhancing food production and nutrition in improving human health in Kenya through agri-environmental communication interaction. The research study and data information was collected from secondary sources, media observations and focus group discussions from the forty seven counties in Kenya. The findings revealed that, food production is very low due to poor communication in scientific agricultural terminologies interpretation in local language for effective use by farmers. The recommendation is that, government and stakeholders should take action and improve on effective agri- environmental communication interaction in order to solve food insecurity and malnutrition.
Key words: Agri-environmental, communication, strategy, food, nutrition, security

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