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KLAW/Ground-1 - KLAW 5 - Auditorium (KLAW - Conference Center)

KLAW/Ground-1 - KLAW 5 - Auditorium

KLAW - Conference Center

Kabarak University Main Campus Nakuru Eldama Ravine Road
Research Paper Research and Performing Arts Research and Performing Arts


Music is ubiquitous in today’s globalized world even though it often has a modest position in school curricula and national cultural policies, if any at all (Knudsen,2010). The cumulative civilization of a people and a nation is not without diversity in abilities thus making it a melting pot of ideas, strengths and weaknesses. However, Culture and Development is an indissoluble binomial (Lisboa, Cerejo,2018) and thus their interdependency leads one to believe that culture, creative industries and Musical heritage in this case contribute to development not only in quantitative economic growth but also qualitatively in terms of equity and security of a society (Bandarin, Hosagahar and Albernaz, 2011).
With the world gearing itself up to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030, as stated in the Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General assembly, it is important to investigate how the creative industry, especially Contemporary Musical Arts impact the society, the challenges and opportunities created to ensure that we refocus Musical arts for Sustainable Development.
This paper will consequently seek to identify Contemporary Musical Arts that provide the aesthetic values that define different Cultures, styles and genres of Music for Sustainable Development through performance, specifically in line with SDG numbers 1(No Poverty), 4 (Quality Education) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).
Non-empirical methods and secondary sources will be used in the collection of data for this paper. This study will look at journal articles and papers presented in seminars concerning this topic; past interviews, festivals and documentaries of musicians and enthusiasts in specific areas of expertise in the selected performances.
This paper will essentially open more room for further investigation and contribution to this area of expertise in Contemporary Musical Arts for Sustainable Development.

Key words: Sustainable Development, Music, Arts, Culture, Heritage, SDG Agenda 2030

Primary author

Grace Awitti (Hull University)

Presentation Materials

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Peer reviewing
